Next semester

Tiefes Lernen und Computer Vision 1

Instructors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wand
Shortname: 08.079.20598
Course No.: 08.079.20598
Course Type: Seminar

Requirements / organisational issues

Knowledge in machine learning / deep learning

Recommended reading list

Will be announced in the prepatory meetnig.


We address deep learning, computer vision (in particular with deep networks) and the modeling of dynamic phenomena with deep networks (for advanced students).

Additional information

Important: There will be a prepartory meeting on March 26 2019 at 14:15 in room 03-424 (Staudingerweg 9). Please make sure to participate (or mail the lecturers a priori).

The actual Seminar will be helde during the coarse of the semeter.
Jogustine shows two separate Seminars (lecturers E.Schömer, M. Wand). You can sign up to either one and have the same selection of topics. There are both BSc. and MSc. topics.