Workshop on Improving Soft Skills 11/12 February 2016

Prof. John Carlis
At the invitation of IPP Mainz and of Prof. Stefan Kramer, Institute of Computer Science, Prof. John Carlis from the University of Minnesota offers a workshop consisting of two parts:
1. Writing (and Coaching) a One-Draft Thesis/Proposal/Paper
2. Giving a Good Talk, a Necessary Skill


Prof. Carlis writes: "Why should you care about this workshop? Well, your career depends on your ability to communicate or lack of it. Technical knowledge is necessary but not sufficient. So, you need these skills and the confidence that goes with having them. Why listen to me? Well, I've helped lots of people improve (from all over the world – there is no writing or talking gene), so this advice has been vetted. I will be available for several days, so make use of me."
Participation is free of charge for PhD students and postdocs of IPP Mainz and of the Institute of Computer Science. Please register by February 4th by email to: First come first served.

Find more information here: Content of the Workshop, Preparation for the Workshop